Looking for Landscape Supplies in Fowlerville, MI?
Come to Mayhew's Tree Farm & Nursery for high-quality equipment
Looking for Landscape Supplies in Fowlerville, MI?
Come to Mayhew's Tree Farm & Nursery for high-quality equipment
Everything for your
landscape in Fowlerville, MI
You shouldn’t have to get new plants for your landscape at one store and supplies for planting at another. In Fowlerville, MI, you can come to Mayhew’s Tree Farm & Nursery for landscape supplies, as well as any plants you need. We have a wide range of landscaping supplies for sale, such as tree stakes and weed matting.
If you need materials like mulch, soil or rocks, you can choose:
- Cedar mulch
- Hardwood mulch
- Enviro mulch (red, black or brown)
- Wood chips
- 50/50 mix
- Sifted topsoil
- Unsifted topsoil
- Limestone
- 21AA natural stone
- Pea stone
- Egg rock
- Washed Sand (2NS)
- Screened Sand (Class II)
You can also select from a variety of soil and peat products.

Need help moving landscape supplies to your home or work site?
For an affordable fee, let us deliver supplies by truck.
Find out about decorative items
You can come to us for the littler pieces that make your landscape truly shine. We offer elegant concrete bird baths, benches, statues and other sculptures. You can pick up handmade ornaments, wood bird baths, birdhouses and well point coverings. Come see our landscaping supplies for sale today.